IIIIIt's hard to believe that I am living in the future as apposed to the past, seeing as how electronics keep progressing. How will cell phones look like 20 thousand years from now or will there even be cell phones than? Will something even "better" replace them? Will there still be telephone poles? Will trains be considered ancient and busses antiques? Will televisions still consist of a box, whether it be square or flat? Will cars be finally built so they could easily turn to boats when it floods? Will they still be called cars? How will music be sold? All of these thoughts creep me out. I can go into a million things, but with this entry, I'll stick to a few "handy" cell phones. It's easy to understand why cell phones have been so acceptable and so hated at the same time. As some engineers try to progress humanity by making more convenient products, society becomes thrilled. The first emergence of cell phones was exciting. Did consumers really question it's negative points? That I cannot answer, seeing as how I was born in the era where cell phones were starting to become smaller and pagers were being set aside. So...You've never seen a cell phone in real life. You've never held a cell phone. Phones are those things with wires coming out of them that are attached to walls. Now, what do you do when you see this?
Seriously. How would you react? All you know is that wealthy people own cell phones. Now all of a sudden they are created to branch out like a fad. How convenient! How smart looking! Want to be taken seriously? Buy a giant cell phone! Now that we have seen the starting evolution of the cell phone, why not wonder where it will go when we're long gone? Not that it matters or does it?
Will cell phones become dangerous than they are now, or much better and helpful? I personally don't think they're important. In the end people choose what they want to do. It is up to you. Will you use this knowledge for good or evil? Will you completely abandon this knowledge because you have found something much more important to question? That's called moving forward or moving backward, depending on what you're questioning really is important or not. Do cell phones block out what's really important in some peoples lives? Do you text more instead of spending time with your family? Do you text more instead of actually speak? It's amazing how some people are capable of using the cell phone for good, while others become addicts and lose self control. Today, the cell phone isn't used just to call people. It is used for many purposes now, sometimes not even for what it was created for. Some people have managed to use the medium for completely different reasons. The cell phone has changed and it has changed society along with it. Since Japan introduced it's wildly famous cell phones that are just plain superior to U.S. cell phones, cell phones in the States have been seeming more like poor copies or imitations. The urge to progress the U.S. cell phone has become more of a competition. Who can fit the most features into a cell phone without it exploding? Ironically, we all know the exploding cell phones have been designed but that's beside the point. People want convenience and companies want more money. Now we have scanners.

But before you think this is incredibly high tech, check out news involving cell phones in Japan. They don't even need the card. The cell phone is the card.
Seen this bad boy around?
I have. Just got a magazine, advertising a University, that contained one of these inside. Scan it with your cell phone and vuala! You've got a movie trailer or a new pair of shoes. This is how the media is now advertising, as if watching commercials on television, listening to them on the radio, and being bombarded by them in cities by billboards, outside flat screen TV's and skyscrapers weren't enough. Now we have to somehow physically engage with the advertisement, whether it be scanning to watch and rate or playing a game. God only knows how the future will look like, but as of right now, cell phones are here to stay. The constant need to progress them or simply impress others with them continues.

World's largest working cell phone.
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