Watching Armageddon right now makes me think about how this world is ending soon. I know what some people are saying. I am aware of what some people think, but I will always believe that Jesus is coming soon. There are many signs that scientists can't explain. Tornados are appearing in places they scientifically shoudn't. Jesus is knocking at the door. Not even. Now He has His hand on the door knob. Things are changing and they will only get worse. I heard a prophesy a few days ago. Not sure if it will come true, but even if it doesn't; things will still become chaotic here. There is a countdown. The big war hasn't even begun yet. People will riot in the streets. Military planes and trucks will flood the air and lands. People will die. Many dead bodies will flood the streets. Missles will drop. End of days. The ultimate statistic is that 10 out of 10 people die. We are here, in the last days. Manny's generation will not past.
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